Alphas-V (TD-Vanadium Carbide)
Best coating process for the last twenty years.
Alphas-C(L-TD-Chromum Nitride/Duplex)
Excellent oxidation resistance for hot applications.

New! Good Wear and Oxidation resistance. Short Process time with sufficient case depth. Good Apperance with Black Color.
PVD Process Services
*High Performance, Versatile for super wear resistance
*Great properties for many different allications.
Alphas-TN (Titanium Nitride)
*Versetile and affordable.
Alphas-MTX (PremiumTitanium Nitride)
*Premium PVD coating, works great for HSLA steel, Severe Forming
Alphas-WCN (W-Cr Nitride)
*Best Heat Resistance, Best for Al die cast, extrusion